Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Summer PD

This week we started rolling out our summer PD.  As much as I enjoy providing professional development for our teachers, I find the planning to be quite stressful.  It's hard to know what is going to be successful and what is going to cause a room full of eye rolls.

In today's workshop, we tried a couple sessions using the EdCamp model.  Only one of the teachers in the group had EdCamp experience, so this was an introduction for most of the teachers.  Based on the feedback we received, I think it was successful.  Teachers really liked the fact that it was geared specifically to their needs.  Several teachers thought it would be great to offer EdCamp PD during the school year as it would give them a chance to bounce ideas off of other teachers while they're using them in the classroom.

I'm always looking for different models of PD, so if any of you have any good ones to share, please add them in the comments.


  1. We started using the EdCamp model last year and teachers really liked it. We have done 2 longer sessions and a few for shorter faculty meetings. I think everyone get something this way!

    I'm also working to find new models of PD. I've tried PD in PJs (I need to blog about that) and I'm going to try to work with grade level teams to establish learning goals at the beginning of the year to see what things I'll need to offer. I'm not entirely sure how that's going to work out.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Heidi. We talked about doing PD in PJs last year but never got it off the ground. I hope you do blog about that so that I can learn more about it.
